Focus areas

Focus areas

Access to quality medical services

More than 75% of the elderly people in India suffer from chronic diseases.

We will organise health camps on ground and provide access to tele-consultation and remote medication.

Training & upskilling to improve livelihood

Nearly 62% of the 60+ are financially dependent.

We will provide training to upgrade their skills and livelihood through online as well as offline workshops conducted by experts.

Access to eligible Govt schemes

Only 28% of the elderly aware of any concessions for senior citizens.

Our beneficiaries are eligible for a number of central and state government programs. The majority of them are not aware of these programs and their legal rights. Most of those who are aware are unable to access them. We’ll assist them in exercising their rights.

Support the differently abled 50+ and those with differently abled children

This is a group that deserves special attention, both differently abled Adults and/or Parents with their differently abled Children. Their greatest fear is “after us, who?

This is a critical part of our self-adopted mandate. We will facilitate in setting up assisted living homes and supporting such existing homes and create SOP’s to successfully make these homes sustainable and scalable.

Digital and financial literacy

More than 40% of the elderly in India are in the poorest wealth quintile, with about 18.7% of them living without an income.

Our goal is to increase financial literacy, particularly among the women in our cohort, by utilising technology. We will talk to our cohort directly or through the younger generation of the families and through our partner network with the help of videos to educate our beneficiaries. This will also help to improve the cohort’s adoption of digital technology.

Legal aid education and support for rights of seniors

At least 5% of India’s elderly population reported having experienced abuse which can be physical, sexual, psychological, or financial.

We will raise awareness amongst our cohort of the legal recourse available to them.

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