More than 60 years have gone by. And now you’re finally here in the golden years of your life. In this new phase, you have new needs to live life to the fullest with – independence, joy and dignity.
To ensure that the 50+ is taken care of, it is critical to take a closer look at the underserved within the senior cohort. The seniors who are at the bottom end of the economic pyramid need a friendly helping hand, and a safety net so that they can also make the most of their golden years with support from their own community.
As children, we looked up to our parents, they were big and strong and beautiful and smart and knew their way around in the world. As a child, our view of the world came from our parents. The way they walked and talked, the language they used, their mannerisms and gestures would creep out from behind our actions. To be told that you were just like your mother or father was praise of the highest order. Their dreams became our dreams and their credit and praise fueled us and kept us going. Somehow, somewhere, life caught up with us and the reality of the relationship changed. The power shifted from your parents to you. Now they needed your approval, they needed your help. They started looking up to you, for decisions, for direction and for help.
Sometimes this role reversal can be frustrating for both child and parent. How can someone who was so powerful and the head in the family become so weak, so needy, so fearful. For the parent too, it is difficult to ask for help. It is tough to accept a sense of inadequacy. To feel dependent on the child. This complex relationship gets even more difficult when the economic foundations are weak. How do you handle acute resource scarcity when three generations are fighting for the same rupee. In the case of a tradeoff, the older generation is seen as being less deserving of resources. The future takes priority over the past and this is a very tough decision that many families have to face on an almost daily basis. Given this reality, how can we help the underserved 50+!
We at SilverStars help by addressing the basic requirements of this cohort.